Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m stuck. I just can’t sit down and devote a block of time to drafting my fourth novel. Through March I cranked out about 16,000 words of a work I expect to be about 70,000 words – almost a quarter of my goal. Mind you I don’t have writers block. I have the entire story arc worked out in my mind and the list of characters developed. I intentionally took a break from writing in April when we sold our country home, signed a contract to build a new home and moved to an apartment while our home was being built. I had the joy of moving into our new home on Sept. 3rd. We moved in two stages first from the apartment to home and then two weeks later stuff in storage to home. I’ve learned stuff in storage is an albatross that hangs around your neck. The stuff is now in the basement. It took me two weeks to organize the stuff and donate a portion of it to St. Vincent’s. I told myself I had all this work to complete before I could write again. I was scheduled to have a “weekender” intense writing class with my former teacher and mentor, Laurel Yourke with five other writers. That didn’t go well. I was the only person in the room who was published. This group has met for years and no one is even close to publishing. I felt out of place. When it came time to critique my four pages one person said: “I hated the whole second paragraph on page two.” That was a major critique group violation and I shut down. I didn’t return for the second day of the weekend session. I decided I needed a plan with a goal – that’s how I work best. My plan is to spend the month of November editing and continue with the story in December. I have edited four chapters and it is grueling the draft is horrific. Trying to kick start writing by editing has been a huge mistake. In late November we will be leaving for a trip to Spain so I’ve decided to begin again in December, refreshed from basking near the Mediterranean. My plan is to read the 16,000 words I have without editing then use that to catapult me back into the story. Does anyone have another suggestion?
A few weeks ago I interviewed well known Wisconsin author, Jerry Apps, on my show – My World and Welcome To It broadcast on 103.5 FM The Sun Radio.
Over the years 85 year old Apps has done enough media interviews to make him the perfect guest. He is relaxed, a natural storyteller, and brutally honest. He recently completed a non-fiction book on the history of the Civilian Conservation Corp in Wisconsin. He admitted on air that he didn’t enjoy writing the book, didn’t find the topic particularly interesting but had been convinced by his publisher (University of Wisconsin Press) that the book needed to be written. During our conversation I asked Jerry what one thread linked all his writing in various genres. Jerry writes fiction, non-fiction, children’s literature, memoir, memoir and articles for two agricultural magazines and posts a blog on his website every week. Without hesitation he explained that all of his writing focus in some manner on rural issues and how rural life has changed. I was surprised and asked him to give examples from his children books and fiction. Again, without hesitation, he shared several examples. I reflected on his answer and decided the core of his success as an author was that he had an anchor – rural America. I thought my writing would have more depth and meaning if I too had an anchor. While my first three novels all take place in Ireland, Ireland is not the anchor. I thought back to when I developed my web page eleven years ago and wrote a brief statement on why I write. Home Building Blues
When we signed a contract in March to build our downsized, dream home we selected the only lot on the block. We chose a lot in the middle of the block on the south side of the street. The front of the house faces north while the back faces south and the sun graces our large backyard in its’ daily journey. When signing the construction contract, I never thought about asking how quickly other homes would be built on our block. As it turns out that was a big mistake. There are now 18 homes on our block. Now, I’m fine with having neighbors, it’s the lifestyle we wanted. As I write this there are homes being built on both sides of us. Home construction is one of the nosiest activities on the face of the earth. The cu the equipment use makes noise and some of it even makes our home shake. Construction workers don’t talk – they shout. At the end of the day they must be exhaust=ed. I have unwillingly overheard many conversations – short sentences with a preference for “blue” words. The noise from home construction is both distracting and annoying. I’ve tried taking a couple of melatonin to catch an afternoon nap - doesn’t work. All I want for Christmas is for the homes on both sides of us to be done and I’ll help the neighbors move in. |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
May 2021