Sometimes I feel like writing about things, unexpected things that happen in my life. This week’s blog is one. I live in the country off of a state highway. My neighbor and I share a mailbox post that the previous owner ingeniously constructed to hold two mailboxes on a single post. Saturday I ran a few errands and when I drove into the driveway I stopped to pick- up the mail. Our mailbox was gone! I saw huge tire tracks in the snow where our mailbox used to me. The box now rested in the ditch about twenty feet from where it stood. Black plastic parts of a vehicle were strewn in a path following the tire tracks in the snow.
There were footprints in the snow leading to our mailboxes. Someone had checked it out but left the boxes where they were. Soon our neighbor joined us and he showed me a business card from one of the local sheriff’s. His wife noticed a car abandoned in the ditch and our mailbox and called the sheriff. Apparently the car had an Iowa license plate and the driver took off. My guess is that the driver was as drunk as a skunk. The mailboxes rested on a 3 inch square post buried in the ground so to knock break through a solid piece of wood meant the car was traveling very fast. By the tracks in the snow the only thing that stopped the car was the snow. My neighbor wanted to repair the damage so we could have our mail delivered. My solution was to notify the post office and have our mail held for us to pick up and address the problem in the spring. My neighbor wanted that mailbox back up. He agreed to make the repairs and prop it up; trying to break through frozen ground would be a folly. My job was to google postal regulations on how to put up the mailboxes. The temporary job is done, it’s not pretty, and it’s functional. Living in the country has risks I never imagined but having a one acre wooded lot is worth it.
I have one huge pet peeve. “Pet peeve” is my Father’s language and the older I get the more often I hear my Dad’s words escape my mouth. A peeve is a particular grievance and mine is people who don’t respond to a specific request. For example, if I write a friend an e-mail asking if they would be available for coffee on a specific day and time, I EXPECT an answer. If that friend doesn’t answer – that peeves me.
In my journey to market MURPHY’S TROUBLES I make my initial contact through e-mail. I was asked for a blog interview, completed it and was told it would be posted in a week; that was on December 1st. There was no post. I waited until January 15th and sent a follow-up e-mail, no response to my follow-up. That peeves me. On November 29th I sent our book group leader a copy of my book and asked if it could be included in the group’s fall 2014 session. No response. Why? Don’t I deserve a response? Even if the response is – NO – NO WAY – it would be an answer. Silence peeves me. I placed on ad on Goodreads. I spent good money on the ad. In 10 days I had 3893 views of my ad. Not ONE click to purchase my book. Not ONE. What are the odds that not one in nearly 4000 people would click into my ad? At least I have the opportunity to change the ad to try to fix it. I’ve also sent e-mails to several bookstores asking how to schedule an author reading/signing and offering my book for sale on consignment. Guess what? No response? I have been under the impression that business courtesy was to respond within at least a week. I haven’t had any responses. I suppose I’m old fashioned in expecting a business response to a business request, it’s easier just to ignore me. I’m not giving up. This week I’ll follow-up with a phone call. With my luck, I’ll talk to a voice mail. So, if I ever contact you with whatever media (e-mail; phone-call, text) please have the courtesy to respond. I always respond to requests, even if I say – no thank you. In researching elements of a marketing campaign for independent authors/publishers it was stressed that book reviews are essential. In the traditional publishing world publishers send out either advance copies or copies soon after publication and tend to work with specific reviewers. It is highly recommended that we self-publishers also send out advance copies and use the reviews received both as part of the back of the book blub and for initial marketing.
I didn’t send out advance copies of my book to reviewers. I was caught up in the details of book production and was determined to hit the holiday market; there just wasn’t time for everything. I met the goal of having MURPHY’S TROUBLES available for holiday book purchases (November 18th available on Amazon). I did garner a satisfying number of readers locally and squeezed in two book signing events in December. The truth is I have not attracted attention to MURPHY’S TROUBLES on Amazon. I would like to have readers review my book. I have had one local author offer to write a review, unfortunately, the offer came in mid-December through my website e-mail (which I rarely check) and it was a month before I responded to his offer. I’ve responded to him but I’m not sure if he’s still interested. What am I asking for? I would like a one paragraph review of about 50-75 words, and approval to publish the review online and other appropriate places. If you are interested in reviewing MURPHY’S TROUBLES, please contact me at: [email protected]. Of course I will provide a copy of the book. As a first time published author there are a lot of thrills. Now it’s been about eight weeks since MURPHY’S TROUBLES became available on Amazon. While some authors disparage book readings and signings I found them exciting and having feedback from readers is fascinating and educational.
In the last few weeks I’ve received several responses from readers, all people I know, that have been special little gifts. One friend let me know she’s read through chapter seven this week and she e-mailed that I had “captured” her. Another is an AARP advocate colleague. He e-mailed me that he purchased my book on Amazon and was enjoying a good read during a frigid Wisconsin winter. I never expected a person I’ve worked with in AARP to also become a reader. Finally, one of the staff at Beans n Cream Coffeehouse told me she bought my book for her Dad for Christmas. She wanted to let me know her Dad started reading on Christmas day, has finished the book and is passing it along to other family members. Finally, I received an e-mail from my college roommate (yes, we still stay in touch). He let me know he also bought my book on Amazon and would be giving me feedback soon. He lives in Maine and with the extreme winter blizzards, if he has light and heat, he’ll have time to read. Originally, I was terrified of what people who read the book might say to me. I have been surprised at how kind and generous people have been. What experiences have you had when readers respond to your work? I have subscribed to The Writer Magazine since 2001 and it has been published since 1887. I’ve been fortunate to have two articles published in The Writer (May 2012 and September 2012). The February 2014 issue has a story by Neil Evans, “For a living”. One sentence in the article grabbed by attention: “Writing is an act; being a writer is a state of mind, a lifestyle, a necessity.” By his definition Evans claims he isn’t a writer but he does earn his income from writing, working as a web content editor.
In an age of e-mails, e-zines, blogs, tweets, and content writing we have stretched what has been traditionally meant to be a writer. I enjoy writing a weekly blog and a monthly feature in the e-zine Extra Innings; however, my first love is the novel. In reflecting on the direction I want to take in 2014 Evans’ definition of a writer is critical. For years I dreamt of being a writer. At first I thought that if I was paid for my writing, I would be a writer. I achieved that goal in 2010 but still didn’t view myself as a writer. Then I decided I would be a writer when I published my first novel. I achieved that goal in November 2013. Yet, something was missing; I continued to struggle with the notion that I am a writer. The missing element is in Evans definition: “. . . being a writer is a state of mind, a lifestyle, a necessity.” In 2014 I plan to give myself the freedom to explore being a writer with this definition in mind. Recently, I helped a friend polish his musical comedy, tightening the story, giving color to characters and tying up loose ends in the last act. His focus was the music, not the story. He asked me one day how I came up with the changes I suggested. My response, without thinking was: “That’s what I do.” There is some debate on the meaning of the expression; “cast the die”, some say the origin is Julius Caesar. I prefer the version deeply rooted in metallurgy when molten metal was poured into a mold or die that would form an object once the metal cooled. In 2014 I’m casting the die to have the freedom to live a writer’s state of mind, a lifestyle and accept the necessity of writing in my life. |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
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