In February I terminated my contract with Mischievous Muse Press to begin the journey to self-publication. Since then the book cover has been completely redesigned and the back of the book blurb tossed and re-written.
The first edit the manuscript had was a substantive edit by my friend and mentor Marshall Cook. As a result I added two chapters and re-wrote the last chapter, dramatically changing the ending of the book. Marshall convinced me that making the last paragraph of the book a cliff hanger just wasn’t fair to the reader. Of course, he’s right. Next, my website: had a complete make-over. I actually hired a pro to provide me with an analysis and make specific recommendations for change. I accepted all the recommendations and in a single month saw a 25% jump in hits. It took quite a while for me to find a compatible copyeditor/proofreader. In August I found Christine Keleny of, who lives in a small town right here in Dane County, Wisconsin. Christine provided both insightful copyediting and line proofreading. It has taken me about a month to review Christine’s recommendations and incorporate about 98% of them (Christine would prefer I write out all numerals). In September I also took a one day brush- up course on grammar and punctuation because my experience with Christine was proof it would be beneficial for me. I am now on the brink of publication. First, I will be doing technical editing on formatting and consistency in the manuscript. Then will come the day that I upload the manuscript to Create Space. Recently, Create Space is offering more options on what is called interior design. I want to take my time to get the “look” that I want for the book. Create Space will also send me a hard copy galley to review and make final changes. Then, the hour will arrive in October when MURPHY’S TROUBLES is published. I want to choose a date for publication that coincides with a significant event in the history of the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Right now I’m leaning toward 27 October (1980) the day the first Hunger Strike began.
Have you ever started a hobby – just because. A few years ago I decided I wanted to learn to kayak. My wife reluctantly agreed. A co-worker suggested we take a class from a local Kayak shop to see if we liked it. We took the class and both my wife and I fell in love with it.
With a kayak you’re on the water, typically near the shore of a lake or on small rivers or creeks. You’re able to move silently and with a low profile that doesn’t disturb the wild life. A few weeks ago we witnessed a spectacular bird exhibition at a nearby lake. There’s a small park in western Dane County that has a small lake, Indian Lake, that doesn’t allow boats with motors. It is a perfect lake for kayaking and canoeing. It was a mid-morning Saturday and with the exception of a single surf boarder we had the lake to ourselves. Along the shore we saw sandpipers and turtles. Over head we saw a pair of big blue herons that were intent on leaving the lake. It soon became apparent why they decided to leave. A large eagle was circling the lake. We paddled to the western end of the lake to watch the eagle hunt. It would circle, circle, circle, not caring that was watching. Several times the eagle flew directly overhead. Then the eagle plunged headfirst into the water. We watched as he hit the water his talons extended then he flew away at a 45 degree angle. We both thought he snagged a fish. Instead of flying away to a perch he continued to circle the lake, he missed his prey. From behind us we heard a shrill squawk and saw another eagle take off from the tree tops. It must be a hunting pair and the Mrs. was obviously upset about the male’s ineptitude. The female began circling the lake and the male flew off to the east and out of sight. This is why I kayak. For my parents’ generation it was December 7, 1941. For my generation it will always be September 11, 2001. That year it was on a Tuesday. This year it’s a Wednesday, time marches on. Like most of us I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing.
The tragedy of so many innocent lives lost in a single day remains incredulous. For us survivors it has been the twelve years past that weigh on us. As recently as the last two years, NYC firefighters had to fight in Congress to receive benefits they deserve for health care. My brother-in-law works for FEMA and he spent months at ground zero. To this day he can’t, he won’t talk about his experience. That day we all became hostages to terrorism. We have fought a twelve year war against an enemy that isn’t a state but a movement. Killing Bin Laden didn’t have the emotional satisfaction we all anticipated. When President Obama announced Bin Laden’s death there were impromptu demonstrations in streets with cheering, flag waving, and singing. The jubilation faded as quickly as it began. For several weeks CNN and other news media flooded us with the details of the seal team’s mission. Yet, it wasn’t satisfying. We all knew the war goes on. Try flying anywhere and you’re reminded that we continue to live under the anvil of terrorism. Terrorism is based on fear, the unexpected and continuous danger. The Provisional Irish Republication Army invented modern day terrorism. The Provisional IRA was the first officially internationally designated terrorist organization for their unique form of warfare from 1968-1998 called The Troubles. I don’t know if either the national psyche or our individual psyche will recover from terrorism’s threat in my lifetime. I have used a Paypal account for several years to invoice and accept payment for my freelance work. Until recently I’ve never used Paypal for other traditional banking functions. My copyeditor asked for payment via PayPal and sent me an invoice by Paypal. Originally, we agreed I would pay half up front and the remainder when the project was finished.
As it turned out the copy editor gave me a date when the project would be finished but it was right in the middle of my sojourn to Montreal. I didn’t think she should have to wait while I was away for her final payment, so I agreed to make full payment prior to heading north for holiday. I needed to make two transfers from my credit union account to paypal. When I entered the transfer I was notified that it would be 5-7 business days for Paypal to receive the funds. Why? It’s all electronic, the transaction should be completed by the end of the day the transaction was entered. I ckecked my credit union account and the funds were transferred the day I entered the transaction. I checked my Paypal account the next day and there were no funds deposited. It took five full business days ( 7 calendar days including the weekend) for the money to show up in my Paypal account. So where was my money for 7 calendar days? I called Paypal and the explanation offered was that the money went to a Federal Reserve clearing house and it took 5 business days for the transaction to clear. What? Why did the Federal Reserve have my money? It all sounds a bit fishy to me. There’s a float here and my guess is that somebody’s making money off my money or using my money temporarily without my permission. Does anyone have a clue? Write a comment back if you understand and let me know where my money went for 7 calendar days. |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
May 2021