At my request my publisher, CK Books Publishing, is using Create Space to create my second novel, Out of Darkness. I self-published my first novel, Murphy’s Troubles, with Create Space in 2013 and was astonished at the quality of the book. I also like how easy it is to order my own copies of the book and find the pricing from Create Space fair; I am able to retain 65%.
After the editing is completed and the cover meets Create Space specifications the next step is to order a proof copy of the book. There are two choices, either order a hard copy or download a pdf file. Create Space recommends ordering a hard copy proof for the first proofreading. This week I ordered a hard copy proof of Out of Darkness. Receiving a proof copy of my novel is exhilarating. This is the stage where all the hard work comes to fruition. The day I received my proof of Murphy’s Troubles I ripped open the box and there it was smothered in bubble wrap. I took it out of the box with great care. I fanned the pages and admired both the paper color and the font. A book, I’ve written a book, I thought. It took me three days before I could calm myself sufficiently to begin the hard work of proofing the copy. The most important reason to proofread from a hard copy is that it is easier to actually “see” those little things that must be changed to have a high quality publication. It’s just not the same as reading a pdf file on your laptop or tablet. The process for Out of Darkness is different. I’ve hired a professional proofreader and will relinquish the task. I was embarrassed that even after three separate proofs with Murphy’s Troubles, re-reading last year to prepare for a book discussion group I found 46 errors. It wasn’t perfect. For a small fee I corrected those errors and re-published the book. I gave away my remaining copies of the error latent version, explaining to readers that they would find errors. It is worth every penny to have a professional proofreader correct Out of Darkness.
I don’t understand book covers. I know it’s important. If and when books are displayed either at a bookstore or online I know a cover can either attract or repel potential readers. For me, working on the book cover with a graphic artist/designer begins after the manuscript has been cleaned and scrubbed and ready for the first proof. My timing might me a problem because the book cover becomes a snag in the publishing process.
My publisher found a book cover designer/artist to draw a cover for Out of Darkness. The artist was given a copy of the manuscript to read in order to develop a cover concept. After two months I was sent a very rough hand drawn sketch of two IRA fights crouched behind a wall aiming rifles into the distant nowhere. Not to be too critical, but, my four year old grandson could have drawn the sketches I was given. More important to be was that the sketches didn’t reflect the story at all. The sketches gave the appearance of the standard “IRA guys fighting in the street”. It was painfully clear the artist never glanced at the manuscript. In order to set the direction straight I clarified that I wanted the book cover to include an image of a peace wall in Belfast because they are central to the story. I then searched the web for free images of the peace walls and sent several examples to my publisher to share with the cover artist. The cover artist was offended and wasn’t interested in working with images, they wanted to only work on creative drawing so they quit. No problem. The publisher agreed to find a graphic designer who could work with images. The publisher found a person and shared the wall images I had previously sent as examples. The graphic designer then searched the web and found other images and sent them to me for consideration. I didn’t like any of the images and some of them had been altered to give a different perspective of the image. Several weeks go by and I received a second set of images to consider, again it was a bust. Finally, my publisher said maybe the graphic artist shouldn’t select the book cover image, just use them for the graphics. I again searched the web and found 20 images I thought would make a good book cover and asked the graphic designer to choose several from among them and design the fonts to use. I thought it would be easy. It wasn’t. Graphic designers just can’t leave things alone; they have to play with the images. What I received back was a set of images looking at a peace wall as if you were lying on your back next to it and looking toward the sky. Really? Next it took over a week to select a font, font size, and number of lines for the title. With a three word title you wouldn’t think there are that many options but a graphic designer has a different viewpoint. Yesterday I sent final instructions to my publisher or edits to the most recent book cover. We are very close to the final. The book cover looks great and it is unique which I hope will draw readers like a magnet. I always wait until I’m finished with the first draft of a manuscript before I give the work a title. Deciding on a title is tortuous for me, I don’t know why, but it is. When selecting Murphy’s Troubles as the title for my first novel I spent a morning writing down potential titles in two columns on plain paper. I filled three pages with about sixty candidates. I set aside my “brain drain” for a few days. I was exhausted from the process of trying to be creative for a catchy title. After three days I picked up the list and read over the potential titles. I started by eliminating titles I definitely didn’t want and reduced the list to about forty. Again, I set aside my pages for a few days. The second step was to circle titles I thought would work and reduced the list to about ten. I waited several more days and then reviewed the list of ten and at the top of the third page – Murphy’s Troubles screamed out to me. That was it!
My process for selecting the title for my second novel was quite different. I didn’t wait until I finished the first draft before bestowing a title on my work. Ian Murphy is a troubled man, suffering from chronic depression and alcoholism most of his adult life. He is a loner who is often alone with his own thoughts and demons. In parallel after the 1998 Peace Accord resolution passed by huge margins in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland a sense of hope and relief from violence spread throughout both countries. None of the factions in Northern Ireland were realistic about how difficult it would be to form a government. Hope was shattered in August 1998 with the bombing in Omagh and the founding of the Real IRA to replace the Provisional IRA. Northern Ireland was cast again into the darkness of terrorism. Both my protagonist Ian Murphy and Northern Ireland struggle to get Out of Darkness. My process for writing my second novel, Out of Darkness, is radically different from the tumultuous journey to write my first novel, Murphy’s Troubles. The two primary differences are time and experience. Murphy’s Troubles was crafted while I was raising a family and had a full time career at the University of Wisconsin. It was written in spurts and sprints over a twelve year period. While working on that novel I promised myself that some day . . .
Without the oppression of a full time job beginning in 2010 I controlled my schedule and could devote myself to writing. I began my second novel in February 2014 and gave myself a monthly word goal and tracked my progress weekly. I also fought and subdued my internal editor to just enjoy the process of creating the first draft. The first draft was done by Halloween. I surprised myself at how fast I wrote and how much I enjoyed creating a fiction world in 1998 Ireland. The second difference was experience. For a first time novelist there is nothing better than independent publishing because you learn what it takes to create a book and you control every decision. My first novel was written in third person objective point of view because I didn’t know any other way to write it. Third person point of view gives an author the freedom to be in every character’s head and to provide the reader with multiple perspectives. Many readers have commented that reading Murphy’s Troubles is like watching a movie, it’s that perspective. Once I accepted that Ian Murphy had more stories to share I knew that the book must be written in first person point of view. First person point of view is very common and for me the advantage was that I could be psychologically close to Ian Murphy. Ian Murphy would tell Ian Murphy’s story. I would draft about three chapters at a time take a day or two break and then read the draft. I found it extremely difficult to write in first person point of view. I googled first person point of view novels then went to the library and selected about half a dozen. I skim read the books to learn how authors wrote from only one character’s perspective. First person point of view allows for depth but it is also extremely limiting because all the action is seen from only one person’s viewpoint. I continued writing three chapters until I had something I wanted to share. I confessed to my friend and mentor, Marshall Cook, that I was wrestling with point of view. He understood why I wanted to use it and agreed to read my chapters. As is his way, he succinctly found my errors and pointed out what I could and could not do within first person point of view. For example, I often had Ian in his own head thinking and I used italics to indicate thoughts in the draft. Marshall pointed out that the reader needed to see the character’s actions, not his thoughts. The reader would understand his thoughts by his actions. So I re-wrote and re-submitted to Marshall until he was satisfied I learned the craft of first person writing. My first novel, Murphy’s Troubles, was released in November 2013. I knew I had an opportunity for holiday sales so I devoted all my activity to marketing. My emphasis was to market locally by having author discussions at our local library, the coffee shop, and an article in the local newspaper. One of the questions always asked at the author presentations was: are you going to write another book and have you started writing it?
The little voice inside my head screamed – are you kidding? I’ve been working on this book for over ten years – off and on, the last three years intensely. No, I’m not ready yet but yes I will definitely write another novel. Fortunately, my internal editor squashed the little voice inside and I would politely respond that yes I want to write another novel but am not quite ready yet. By February of 2014 I was ready to begin thinking about the next book to write. At that time I had no idea what I wanted to write about. I started a few books, two or three maybe – writing about three chapters and deciding it just didn’t feel right. One evening I had a dream and the protagonist in Murphy’s Troubles told me he wasn’t done with his story. It may sound bizarre but that’s exactly what happened. I began researching what happened in Northern Ireland in the months following the vote on the referendum approving the 1998 Peace Accord. It was a rocky road. In August 1998 a group of disenchanted IRA members formed a new group called the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA). The RIRA refused to accept the Good Friday Agreement and vowed to continue the violence. In addition, the British government didn’t trust the citizens of Belfast, fearing that violence could/would/was likely to erupt at any time. Their solution was to build more walls separating Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods. These two historical events became the plot to continue Ian Murphy’s story. Today is my official, public coming out. I am revealing that I was born on April 1st and my Mom was 39 years old when I was born. The day I was born my brother was 16 and my sister was 13. That makes me the “whoops” baby. Later in life I joked with both my brother and sister that effectively I was an only child. By the time I was old enough to remember them they were both in college.
When I tell people I was born on April 1st they ask – Really? I generally respond – You think I’d make that up? I grew up in a small town neighborhood on Lincoln Street. Hard to get more middle glass than that. My next door neighbor’s Dad was a butcher, across the street was a salesman and an electric line worker. My best friend’s Dad worked for the city and farmed part time with his brothers. All of the Mom’s in our neighborhood stayed at home to run the family, my Mom did too. My parents enjoyed giving me birthday parties for both friends and family. I have some great pictures of wearing a cowboy outfit, my first bike and other best in the whole world birthday presents. All of my life I’ve had the disadvantage of being gullible and overly trusting. Every year my friends pulled April fool’s jokes on me. I never once figured it out before they pulled off the prank successfully. It was all good fun and we all had a big laugh, even though inside I felt it was at my expense. Later in life I researched how the day became known as April Fool’s Day. It’s all about the calendar. The original ancient calendar was the Julian calendar which celebrated New Year’s Day on April 1. Pope Gregory for reasons unknown changed the date of New Year’s to January 1. The Holy See degreed in 1582 that the world would use Pope Gregory’s calendar which we now call the Gregorian calendar. Word traveled slowly in 1582. Those who either refused to adopt the new calendar or didn’t know about the change were given fool’s errands on that day. Gotch ya! Happy April Fool’s Day! The whole calendar story is a hoax. But I really was born on April 1st. I was fortunate to be invited to make a presentation on my novel at local independent bookstore, Mystery to Me, on St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a small store and the audience of 10 mostly filled the back corner of the store that is set up for author presentations. In the front of the store a table was set up with a display of my books, a plate of shamrock cookies and a bottle of wine. It was an inviting display.
I provided two bottles of whiskey, a Concannon and a Jameson aged black label to share with the audience following my presentation. I sent out 35 evites for the event but received only one positive response. However, of the 10 people attending I knew 7 of them and each had received an evite but didn’t respond. That is one of the mysteries of evites. I’ve concluded people don’t like to make a commitment and respond yes. I did receive about 10 no’s most because people had plans to go out and eat corn beef and cabbage that night. There were a number of excellent questions during my presentation. But - - - there’s always that one in the crowd isn’t there. Yes, even with an audience of only 10 that one was in my audience. As part of my presentation I explain how the Irish Republican Army was the first organization designed as international terrorist by the United Nations. A woman raised her hand and explained she looked up the definition of “terrorism” and had a diatribe on how governments practice terrorism including the French, British, American and others. What could I say? She was so off topic. The only saving grace was a person in the back row raised their hand and I called on him to cut off the woman. A bit rude but I was desperate. At the close of the discussion we stood around, sharing a bit of whiskey and talking for about twenty minutes. Now, here’s the odd thing. Not one person bought my book. Not one person bought ANY book. I was flabbergasted! People come and listen to a discussion for an hour, drink my whiskey and don’t by a $14.95 book? I’ve participated in over 20 events in the past year and in each one sold books. The Saint Patrick’s Day Event was the first time not a single book was purchased, and this took place in an independent bookstore. So, when you attend an author event – PLEASE – BUY A BOOK! Deciding on a title for my debut novel was painful. The kind of pain you experience of having your wisdom tooth pulled without the benefit of Novocain. I wanted the title to give readers a clue about the story and plot. I researched the title of both fiction and non-fiction books about The Troubles in Ireland. Most of the books had “troubles” in the title or “IRA”. I thought it would be disingenuous to use a title like that.
Next, I decided to try brainstorming. I have participated in many brainstorming meetings in my previous life in management. I enjoyed those sessions and was always surprised with the outcome. I took a blank piece of paper and wrote down every title that came to mind. Brainstorming was designed to be a group activity and brainstorming by yourself lacks creative exchange and interaction. However, I filled several pages with titles but wasn’t satisfied. Frustrated and anxious I stuffed the pages of titles in my briefcase and forgot about them. Putting my brainstorming titles away meant I relegated my problem to my subconscious. One thing I’ve learned about myself as I’ve pursued writing full time is that my subconscious is a hotbed of creativity. I don’t know how it works – but it works and I’ve learned to trust it and listen to it. One evening as I went to bed I was reviewing potential titles in my mind. It’s like counting sheep to get to sleep. In a dream I had a conversation and he told me the title was Murphy’s Troubles. He explained that the book was about his troubles in life and the period of Irish history referred to as The Troubles. It was simple. Chapter One of Murphy’s Troubles reveals all of Ian Murphy’s flaws. The first three chapters take place in 1996 as intentional foreshadowing. Chapter Four begins in 1968 with Ian Murphy attending Trinity College. His best friend, Timolty Doyle, has made a life changing decision and wants to share it with Ian.
Ian has several tragic flaws. He is a recluse, preferring to spend his days alone writing. People make him uncomfortable. In the fiction world he creates through his writing he lives through the characters in his imagination. He is close to only two people, Kieran Fitzpatrick and Mickey O’Shay. Ian suffers from depression although he denies he has any mental health problems. His depression is fueled by incessant drinking especially his favorite whiskey – Midleton. He regularly consumes at least half a bottle of whiskey every evening as he reads. He’s dependent on the whiskey to get to sleep. Ian finds it difficult to trust others and isn’t willing to share his beliefs, thoughts and feelings with others. He even keeps his activities in the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) a secret from his only friend in Cork, Mickey O’Shay. When he does find someone to love (infatuation) he keeps it secret from his friend Kieran Fitzpatrick. When Kieran learns Ian has a relationship with an investigative reporter he is furious both because Ian kept it a secret and because it jeopardizes Ian’s role with the PIRA. Ian is consumed by destructive anger. He feels out of control and unable to influence events in the “real” word which he expresses as anger toward both himself and others. His anger is both explosive and self-destructive. These tragic flaws converge to create an emotional volcanic eruption as Ian attempts suicide in Chapter One by driving his car into a British barricade. Eileen Donohue is a respected investigative journalist in her mid-thirties with two children and a husband who is an aspiring politician. In the Cork community the Donohue’s are considered a “power” couple. However, with the stress of two professional careers and two children their marriage has become an empty hull without love. Their commitment to their professions leaves them without time, energy or interest in maintaining a strong marriage.
Eileen is attracted to Ian Murphy through his writing and she decides she must meet him by taking an adult learning course on literature from him at University College Cork. Eileen is both selfish and self-centered. She has no guilt in actively pursuing a relationship with another man and emotionally abandoning her marriage. Middle aged bachelor Ian Murphy is fascinated with Eileen and astonished with her interest in him. In a short time Ian is infatuated with Eileen which he believes is love. Ian wants Eileen to divorce her husband so they can marry. Eileen reminds Ian she is Catholic and Catholics don’t divorce. Eileen needs Ian’s adoration and professed love but doesn’t make the same emotional commitment, she never considers it. Eileen demands their relationship remain a secret and goes to extraordinary lengths to be discreet and secretive. She fears the consequences to her career if her relationship with Ian is exposed. Eileen accidently discovers handwritten drafts of what she learns are the Green Book. Her curiosity and sense for a sensational investigative story drive her to expose Ian’s secret involvement with the Provisional Irish Republican Army. She struggles with the decision to betray her lover or keep his secret. Her selfishness and need to be the preeminent Irish investigative reporter have unintended consequences for Ian Murphy. |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
May 2021