I write a monthly column for an Ezine, Extra Innings,http://www.dcs.wisc.edu/lsa/writing/extrainnings called Preyers, Predators and Pretenders. On my voyage to self-publication I knew that I needed help with editing, web design, copy editing, book printing and marketing. As with many first time self-publishers my knowledge of resources available to help me is very limited. I signed on with a company that specializes in helping self-publishers by acting like an agent to secure competent help.
The first suggestion of the new company was that my book needed content/development/story editing. Wanting the highest quality product possible, I agreed. The copy acquired a quote for about $2300 to edit my 84,400 word novel. Fine, I thought, what do I get for $2300? I never did find out. The person submitting the amount never took the time to make a written proposal. I gave the company a ten point list of items I wanted to see in any written proposal. I received a written proposal for $5000 but the editor refused to thoroughly read my novel before beginning editing work. Her response was “I don’t have time to read every book before I edit it. I would have to charge a reading fee for that. This guy doesn’t know very much about the publishing business. Tell him to get an education in the modern publishing business.” And that person thought I would spend $5000 with them with that attitude? A friend who did a quick content edit for me challenged the need for another content editor. I wrote two additional chapters to fill in some gaps and he agreed to read them and give me an assessment. Next, I decided to have my website reviewed because in the past month my hits dropped. The tech person made a detailed proposal and wanted $3200 – for consultation only, I would have to do all the work. Do I look like I carry gold coins in my pocket? The potential cost just for editing and website are $8200, then there’s copy editing, book printing and marketing. Assuming my gross royalties will be $4.00 per book I would need to sell 2050 books just to cover the cost of editing and website. Really? There are predators in the self-publishing world ready to play to a writer’s ego to be read. Self-publishers beware!
1 Comment
6/28/2015 08:28:01 pm
Today was fun to read the news very useful for us. and I will tell it to the friend of my friendfghng
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