Tis the season for writer conferences, library book sales, and festivals galore in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest. There are many opportunities for authors to make presentations and have an opportunity to sell your books and make direct contact with readers. I know that many authors, especially independent authors shun the chance to directly sell your books. My advice is to overcome your fear and introversion and take advantage of an event that allows you to directly meet with readers. This will be a two part series. Today’s blog will cover how to prepare to sell your books at an author’s event. Next week I’ll talk give you tips on how to capture the readers’ attention and engage them in a way that leads to sales.
In most cases authors are provided with a stand 3’ x 6’ table. I suggest you have a table cloth to cover the table. A tablecloth is useful because it can attract readers and help you establish a theme for your book display. Since I write about the Troubles in Ireland, my table cloth is a Kelly green. It also helps cover the table so that you can hide book boxes and other things underneath the table without looking sloppy. Second, have a simple display. My display has two posters and books at either end of the table. I set one book on a bookstand and then place no more than four copies of each book behind each book stand. The book placed on the stand is for browsers to pick-up and thumb through or read the back of the book blurb. I have seen many authors stack 20-30 books on the table. In front of each book stand I fan out about ten bookmarkers. I’ve watched readers walk by these tables and it must be overwhelming because nine out of ten times they don’t stop. I keep a small supply of books on the table so show scarcity. In the center of the table I place a small bowl with finger candies or Halloween size candies. You need some display to attract readers to your table. In the past I’ve used 30”x24” signs of my book covers. These do attract readers but are cumbersome and take a lot of space. Recently I hired marketing guru Valerie Biel www.valeriebiel.com to design two 8 ½ x 11 “ table posters for me. They are dramatic and take up a small amount of space on the table. You should adapt your table display to the event. For example, when attending the Irish Book and Music Celebration I place copies of my book review published in the Irish American News. The Irish American News is published in Chicago and attendees are familiar with the paper and the reviewer, Frank West. Finally, you should have a sign letting readers know what payment you accept. I accept, cash, credit or check. For cash transactions make sure you have change to cover all book sales. For credit I use a Square. The Square takes a small percentage for each transaction but is easy to use with your smartphone and deposits are made directly into your account. There is a version of the Square that accepts the chip card but it costs $40.00. You can get a refund after a lot of transactions. Personally, with occasional sales, I found the standard free Square reader works great. I purchased a 15 x 14 x 12” plastic tote with a locking lid and fit all of these items in the tote. So I use one tote and one box of books and I’m ready for the show. If anyone has questions or comments, please e-mail me at: [email protected].
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