Before publishing my first novel all of my energy went into both the art and craft of independent publishing. I honestly didn’t think about how I would envision success.
Since publishing with Create Space in November 2013 I’ve thought a lot about success. Initially after publication there is an emotional rush. I was fortunate because I received tremendous local support. The coffee shop owner, Jeff Gauger, from Beans n Cream offered both to sell books for me and schedule an author signing. Jeff bought the first 30 books for sale in the coffee house during the holidays. His business sense is keen and those books flew off the shelf. The library director also offered to schedule an author presentation and signing. However, it was December in Wisconsin and our winters are fickle. We had a major snow storm the evening of my presentation but 10 brave souls showed up and some bought as many as four books each, a great holiday present. The Friends of the Sun Prairie Library operate a bookstore to raise funds for special library projects. The manager of the bookstore also agreed to sell my book for me. I’ve also been lucky to have three independent bookstores sell my book on consignment. A local book club bought my book and the invited me to lead their book discussion one evening. Crystal River Inn Bed & Breakfast also sells my books and hosted an author presentation and signing this spring. How many books have you sold? I don’t know. I could look up a report on Create Space but I don’t. It’s often said that writers need readers. The reverse is also true. Readers need writers. It’s a symbiotic relationship. The standard definition of success is the number of books sold or the ability to financially support yourself through writing. I’ve decided that success is creating a relationship with readers, preferably, face to face. This is what motivates me to write along with a demanding interest in exploring big themes in writing. So, there you have it. Guess I’ve been successful. How do you define success in your writing life?
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