This month I will complete the rough draft of my second novel and I am a full month ahead of my original schedule to complete this draft. After publishing Murphy’s Troubles in November 2013 there was no question that I would continue writing novels. However, the exuberance of publishing that first novel, having to hold in your hands and having launch parties at our local coffee shop and public library was distracting.
In January I decided it was time to get serious and begin thinking about what I wanted to write about next. I had seen a PBS program about the Fenian movement in America and its leader John Devoy. Devoy is a fascinating character who reinvented himself in New York City after being expelled from Ireland for his Fenian activities. I spent months researching his history, in particular, an audacious mission he financed to rescue six Irish Fenians from a prison in Australia. After researching for several months I tried for months to write the story and each attempt failed. Something was missing and I didn’t know what. One night I had a dream and the protagonist in Murphy’s Troubles, Ian Padraic Murphy let me know that his story wasn’t finished. The entire plot for my second novel came to me at one time. I sat down and began to write. It wasn’t easy. I struggle with point of view. I came up with the brilliant idea of writing a fictional memoir. I was proud of my inventiveness at creating a new genre. I floated the idea past my friend and mentor, Marshall Cook and he was moderately encouraging but warned that my path was fraught with numerous obstacles. I distracted myself with researching how to write a memoir. The year was slipping by and in early May I didn’t have ten pages done one my second novel. Panic set in. I was frustrated with how to write a fictional memoir and what I originally thought would be clever and unique was proving to be a horrendous waste of time. Then, out of nowhere I reviewed the last scene of Murphy’s Troubles and imagined what would happen next. I solved the problem of point of view – to use the standard first person. My writing was unleashed. Finally, I had the plot and point of view but then fear crept into my psyche and I stalled. I have always been self-motivated and most comfortable when I have a goal to work toward. I decided that the second novel should be about the same length as the first, about 84,000 words. Next I decided to finish the first draft by the end of November. Finally, I determined how many words a week I needed to write to meet that goal. The last step, and the key, was to bury the internal editor in me and force myself not to edit my writing. Eureka! I found my path. The writing flowed and every week I exceeded my word count target and I’m a month ahead of schedule. I should be elated, but I’m not. Instead I find myself feeling sad. The time when I can write without abandon is almost over. In November, editing begins the crafting. The days of freewill writing are over.
It was 4:15 pm on Sunday afternoon at the Irish Book and Music Celebration held at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago. For authors selling books the event was to end at 4:30. The day had been slow, sold a few books, but met a lot of nice people.
I’ve learned that people like to talk with authors. They like to have you tell them in a few words what the novel is about. They ask what inspired the story. They ask how much research was done to write the story and a myriad of other questions. Almost all customers also like to share something of their lives while demonstrating at least a passing interest in buying the book. Because this event was at the Irish American Heritage Center, every customer had a story about relatives in Ireland in their past or many are still living in Ireland. Customers like to browse and thoroughly enjoy the variety provided by a group of seventeen authors selling their wares. The variety available included: self-help books, historical fiction based on actual family members; young adult books, fairy books, academic books on Irish music, the real life story of father-son cops an Irish grandmother’s real life adventures and general fiction. On the second day of the event I put copies of a review my book received from a professional reviewer – Inkspots Review. I noted that people would pick up a copy and read the review rather than pick up the book and read the back of the book blurb. It proved to me that knowing what another reader thought of the book is more influential than learning about the book yourself when making a decision to buy. The last customer didn’t do any of these things. She looked at the poster of the front book cover and asked where it took place. “The protagonist, Ian Murphy, lives in Cork” I said. “Where in Cork?” She asked. “Cork City.” I said. “Well, you know Cork is the name the County too. It’s a big county.” “Yes, it’s a big county.” I responded. I couldn’t tell where this conversation was going. “He lives in West Cork.” I offered. “What street?” She asked. I couldn’t remember. That’s the sort of thing an author should remember. I was tired enough and in shock over the cross examination, I couldn’t remember. I thought I should be honest. “Well, at this moment I don’t recall, but I took the time to research the geography on Google maps, it’s an area were an author’s cottage could be.” She picked up the book and looked at it. “Well, how long are you going to be here?” “Until 4:30.” “Ok, I might be back.” Of course, she never came back. I failed her test. In all the events I’ve attended this year I’ve never had a customer cross examine me on some detail of the book. I suppose she was testing me, to see if I knew my stuff. What I don’t understand was how that made any difference to the story. She wasn’t interested in the story; I think she was interested in quizzing me. Later that evening I thought if I had had my wits about me I should have responded, it’s a fiction. He lives on a fictional street. I’m guessing she would have responded, “Oh” and walked away but I’ll never know. I want to share with readers what I’m doing to prepare for the Irish Book and Music Celebration October 3-5 at the Irish American Heritage Center – 4626 North Knox, Chicago, Ill.
The Schedule . . . 1:15-2:15 Saturday –Author Presentation: ‘Authorpreneurship’ and a Reading from Murphy’s’ Troubles by Rex Owens 3:00-4:00 Saturday – Author Panel: What is it about Irish writing that gives it such universal appeal? Panelists: Frank Delaney, Colum Kenney, Donal Ryan, Mary McCain and Rex Owens. Book selling and author signing - Noon-6:00 Saturday Noon-6:00 Sunday Here’s a few of the things I’ve done to be ready for the Celebration. The Stuff . . . Books, book markers, business cards, book stands(4), table cloth, 12” x 18” poster of book cover, tripod, cash to make change, square for credit card purchases, display on Amazon book reviews, pens, notepad, clock to time presentation, my copy of the Murphy’s Troubles for the reading, candy to give away. The Trip ... Hotel reservations, maps, full tank of gas The talk and panel presentation . . . Research’ authorpreneurship’, notes on my journey to write, publish and market, copy of marketing plan. Practice, practice, practice. For the panel: research each of the panelists, take copy of Seamus Heaney poetry for examples, google research the question, ask the question to Linkedin groups, compile Linked in group’s responses. Compile easy to read notes for reference during discussion. There you have it. This is the single largest marketing event I’ve participated in during what we call “The Year of the Book” in my family. Initially, I thought the Irish Book and Music (IBAM) Celebration was too big and prestigious event for me. Meeting Celebration event organizer Cliff Carlson at the Milwaukee Irish Fest changed everything for me. I love to meet authors and readers and share experiences and have long engaging conversations. I can’t wait . . . For more about the Irish Book and Music Celebration go to: Last week I said that I would query several Linkedin writers’ groups I belong to on the question of why Irish writing is universally appealing. I thought I posed the question to several groups but received responses from only one group, the Writer’s Network. I learned a great deal and as usual was both surprised and disappointed by the responses.
Initially, I posed the question: What is it about Irish writing that gives it such universal appeal? There was a deluge of negative responses and response completely off topic. The very first response from G.F., “Nothing.” Another response from BLD,”Americans have always admired European accents.” First, I wasn’t aware that Americans had the corner on defining universal appeal and more importantly – accents? The question was about writing not a theatrical performance? The next response someone shared that they liked Scandinavian writers – ok – but please don’t waste time on my post sharing your opinion that’s off topic. What was worse another person L.A. shared her love of Scandinavian literature and then the two of them hijacked the entire discussion responding to each other on their love of Scandinavian literature. There were then three more comments on accents and two on English literature. Wow! I couldn’t believe it. People need to read what they write before posting, I think it would reduce the number of posts by at least 50%. At that point, I had to interject and I posted: I only ask the question because I’m participating in an author panel at the Irish Book and Music Celebration in Chicago on Oct. 3-5. Do you know that Irish writers have won 4 Nobel prizes for Literature from a county of 10 million people? The question couched in background material plus a bit of bragging about Irish writer’s accomplishments re-directed the discussion. Let me share a few: AVK: There’s something about the way Irish writer’s use words that invites you in – even the really gritty, dark stories have a sort of ethereal beauty that few other cultures have mastered. RMH: Biting wit and humor leaves you laughing or weeping and want to hear more. Irish writers get to the heart of what is happening. PM: English is heavily influenced by the syntax and phrasing of Gaelic. My mother us to say things like, ‘That one has a tongue that could cut a hedge’ and in describing a short person, ‘A little come under me arm’ or a clumsy person, ‘He fell over a straw and a hen pecked him.’ It is this unique and colorful use of language that I think makes Irish writers in particular so entertaining and readable. AW: The Irish storytellers always aim for the emotional through-line. DC: Quoted an Irish adage. ‘You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts.’ J.K. It’s almost as if their prose has the soul of poetry infusing it somehow. SC: The appeal of Irish writing is its heart and humanity AWB: In a nutshell, the Irish set us free from trivial pursuits that often plague and keep us from the better life. RMH: I am sure the descriptive prose of many Irish writers, serious or light hearted, stirs one’s imagination and brings to life the story. From these comments I’m beginning to draw a picture of the elements of Irish writing that appeal to readers. I deeply appreciate the comments of most of those who responded. However, I’m disappointed by those who feel the need to be negative and snarly or ignore the topic all together. Frankly, I learned more from these comments than I did from all the research on Google. There’s a lesson there. Next week I will share with you my thoughts on why Irish literature is appealing. Just a note, because Irish writing is appealing doesn’t exclude any other writing from other cultures or countries. There’s no idea that Irish writing is BEST, just that it is APPEALING. The title of the blog is the discussion question for an author’s panel I will participate in at the Irish Book and Music Celebration in Chicago October 3-5, Last week I shared some of my preliminary research on the topic and asked any readers to offer their view on the discussion question. One author friend did respond, congratulating me on attending IBAM but not offering any suggestions.
I don’t like reading research on line so I print everything out. After reading and when I no longer need the material I cut it up to make homemade notepaper then recycle the paper when its use as a notepad ends. Frugal, I know. The point is I have about an inch thick research material that I’ve plowed through. Quite a lot of the material is very academic and while I’m sure it’s excellent analysis doesn’t really help me answer the question. Then I found a site where Frank Delaney provided his list of top 10 Irish novels. I think this is a gold mine, especially since I’m anticipating his participation in the author discussion. Here’s Delaney’s list: 1. Ulysses by James Joyce 2. The Last September by Elizabeth Bowen 3. Troubles by J.G. Farrell 4. Thy Tears Might Cease by Michael Farrell 5. Fools of Fortune by William Trevor 6. The Year of the French by Thomas Flanagan 7. Amongst Women by John McGahern 8. The Country Girls by Edna O’Brien 9. Star of the Sea by Joseph O’Connor 10. Finnegans Wake by James Joyce I confess that I’ve read only five of the ten books listed and six of the authors listed. Next, I decided to research the 10 Most Read Irish Authors, here’s the list from a site called The Answer Sheet: 1. James Joyce 2. Oscar Wilde 3. George Bernard Shaw 4. C.S. Lewis 5. Samuel Beckett 6. Jonathon Swift 7. Edmund Burke 8. Brian Friel 9. Sean O’Casey 10. Oliver Goldsmith The list came from and was assembled by Carolyn Blackman. I did better on this list having read 7 out of ten. It is interesting that only author – James Joyce – is on both lists. I am a member of several LinkedIn discussion groups and my next step is to pose the question to each group. They’re a lively bunch and I’m sure I’ll get responses. Once again, this week, I’m appealing to all my blog readers – let me know why you think Irish literature has universal appeal – and, if you don’t agree that Irish literature does have universal appeal – let me know why. Several weeks ago I wrote a blog called The Downsizing Blues, and now I have house selling STRESS. We spent a week getting the house clean to the standard that our realtor sets. That means NOTHING sits out. We’ve replaced carpet in the master bedroom, had the lower level and staircase professionally cleaned, power washed the front of the house and done some touch up painting. All this and not one person has viewed our home as a potential buyer.
My Mom was a stay at home mom, in those days, three out of four of my best friends Moms also worked at home. Our house was always very neat. I know now that Mom could best be described as fastidious, it’s just the way we lived, and I didn’t know anything different. As an adult I’ve in my own home I like a bit of clutter. I like to have fruit, utensils, a, a coffee maker, baking supplies and kitchen equipment on the counters. We store our boots and wallabies on a matt at the main entrance. Our floor to ceiling bookcases are not orderly and in addition to books store nick nacks and family pictures. My office has a large oak desk that weighs in at about 500 pounds. The top of the desk has several plants, more family pictures, mementos from our travels and miscellaneous stuff. Living like this is comfortable. Now, everything is put away. The garage has been transformed into a holding area. Every day I spend at least a third of my time searching for something. It’s frustrating both because of the time wasted and the fact that I can’t remember where my stuff is. House selling/buying has hijacked our summer. We’ve been bike riding once. Our kayaks are getting dusty in the garage. We haven’t been hiking and we haven’t found the time to take our grandson swimming. I’m tired all the time. We have found time to tend the garden and of course the lawn is perfect because that’s part of the ‘selling image.’ Last week we began the process of negotiating buying a home and the stress has become unbearable. I’m short tempered, not sleeping, eating poorly and worst of all – I lost all focus on writing. I wrote less than 1000 words last week, less than half of my weekly goal. I spent a day researching for details in the current chapter but couldn’t squeeze out any words. Since I set up a weekly word goal for myself I’ve sailed along. In fact, I moved my target complete date for the first draft from Dec. 31 to Oct. 31. So, if I knew several weeks ago what I know now about the changes in my life that home downsizing would mean, I just might reconsider . . . I was one of seven authors invited to participate in the 2014 Milwaukee Irish Fest in the Literary Corner. This year the Literary Corner included two book stores, a vendor selling coffee and hot tea, an IBAM (Irish Books Arts & Music) and in a small corner, a desk with two bookshelves behind it for the authors. A volunteer sat with me to collect all the money or credit cards from selling books.
Irish Fest was a learning experience, not a book selling experience. Stuffed into the corner of a tent on a +85 F degree day is not exactly a halcyon day. My first shift was at noon when the Fest opened. The Literary Corner is located at the far south end of the festival grounds and in the first hour the crowd didn’t make it that far. I didn’t have a single person make their way to the author’s corner, although the two bookstores sharing the tent did robust business. The person from the Festival was generous, kind and well intentioned but had not a clue on how to sell books. I pointed out that both book stores had long table displays where customers could browse books. The Festival staff didn’t want customers touching our books, she was afraid they would get soiled. I sat behind the desk, as instructed, for an hour. As I left the person from IBAM suggested that at my next stint on Saturday I stand in front of the desk and my wife suggested I hand out bookmarkers to attract customers. I did make great contacts at Irish Fest. I met fellow author David McDonnell who has written a wonderful book, Clan Donnell on his family history. David and his wife Linda are spending the summer selling books and making presentations at Irish Fests across the country. I also met Cliff and Kathy Carlson from the Irish American News. They invited me to participate in the IBAM conference in Chicago on October 3-5. Cliff introduced me to Frank West the Irish American News Book and Theater reviewer. Frank agreed to review Murphy’s Troubles for the newspaper – an incredible stroke of Irish good luck. I also learned about the a good place for me to market my book. On Saturday I followed all the suggestions I received and didn’t behind the desk. I passed out bookmarkers and engaged customers as they strolled by. I sold four books in my hour. I also learned that the one of the bookstore sponsors of The Literary Corner, The Little Read Book of Wauwatosa was selling my book. I also autographed a book sold through the bookstore. For what it’s worth, I learned two lessons. First, I need to always be myself when participating in author events. Sitting behind a desk is not me. I like to engage people, have conversation and if that results in a sale fine, if not fine – but it’s interactive. Second, all author events, regardless of the format is about networking with people. By networking I was invited to another event, will have a book review and learned from the experiences of another peripatetic author. Cead Mile Failte – a thousand welcomes to Milwaukee Irish Fest 2014! I spent the weekend preparing my presentations for the Milwaukee Irish Fest, which runs from Thursday, August 14 through Sunday, August 17th. I received my presenter about a week ago and noticed I am the only one without a traditional Irish surname. To remedy the situation, for the weekend I will go by O’Owens. It’s only fitting. The surname Owens is Welsh, another Celtic people and there are records that Welsh Owens’ immigrated to Ireland. I’m sure I descend from the Irish Owens clan.
My presentations will take place in The Literary Corner which is part of the Cultural Village. Ireland has such a rich literary tradition that The Literary Corner is a key element of the festival. Only Ireland can boast more Nobel Prizes for Literature than any other country. The Literary Corner features books for sale on all aspects of Irish culture and history. In addition, every year a small number of authors are invited to make presentations on their books. I will be one of seven authors making a presentation during the Fest; I will be among an elite group. My presentations are scheduled for: Friday August 15 4:00-5:00 Saturday August 16 2:00-3:00 Sunday August 17 7:00-8:00 Signed copies of my novel, Murphy’s Troubles will be available for sale throughout Irish Fest. Following the each presentation I will have a book signing and talking with readers informally. For more information about all events go to: Milwaukee is a city of festivals during the summer. Each summer in August Milwaukee hosts Irish Fest, which runs from Thursday, August 14 through Sunday, August 17th. The Fest begins Thursday night with the Grand Hooley, a traditional Irish celebration with music, food and dancing.
A special feature this year is the Brian Boru Millennium Celebration commemorating the Battle of Clontarf in 1014. Brian Boru was the first high king of Ireland and the battle ended Viking influence in Ireland. I submitted my novel MURPHY’S TROUBLES to Fest organizers to be considered for The Literary Corner. The Literary Corner is part of the Cultural Village. Ireland has such a rich literary tradition that The Literary Corner is a key element of the festival. The Literary Corner features books for sale on all aspects of Irish culture and history. In addition, every year a small number of authors are invited to make presentations on their books. I have been honored to participate in the 2014 Irish Fest Literary Corner. My novel, Murphy’s Troubles will be available for sale and I will be giving three presentations: Friday August 15 4:00-5:00 Saturday August 16 2:00-3:00 Sunday August 17 7:00-8:00 Following the each presentation I will have a book signing and talking with readers informally. For more information about all events go to: As a reader I joined GOODREADS several years ago but admit that I was an infrequent user. In researching effective marketing tools for independent authors, GOODREADS, was ranked as a MUST DO. It is the single largest group of readers on line.
In early January this year I began a twofold GOODREADS campaign to market MURPHY’S TROUBLES. Their service is called Goodreads Author Program and offers options on an ad campaign, a blog, and book giveaway program. I chose the ad program and book giveaway. For the ad program a tutorial is provided and you design your own ad. Their staff review the ad and make recommendations to attract readers. The ad is viewed but the objective is for people to click on the ad to read more about the book and be given choices on how to buy your book. In six months 316,120 independent people viewed my ad. Wow! What a huge number. However, only 60 of those have clicked the ad. Goodreads says that an author can expect a click rate of 0.05%, so for every 100,000 views 50 will click the ad. My click rate is a disappointing 0.02%. I don’t have a clue why my click rate is less than half the “normal” rate. Goodreads does review the ad and make suggestions if it isn’t working out and so far I’ve not been contacted with a suggestion to change my ad or target audience. My book has received seven ratings, three of which are 5 out of 5 stars. My overall rating is 4.3 – respectable I thought. My book has received only two reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. I wanted to draw more attention to the book and have it reviewed by GOODREADS readers. I offered 5 books to give away. I don’t have any reason for selecting only five – maybe it’s just being cheap. I had 501 people request the free book. GOODREADS chooses the “winners”, I don’t know how. The rules are strict. Once I learned who the winners were I’m only given a name and mailing address. I couldn’t contact the winner or request a review – it was a pure giveaway. As it turns out, one of my reviewers was a winner of the giveaway, so that worked well and the reviewer gave the book a 4.3 out of 5 stars. To date, 215 people have put my book on their “to read” list. I think that’s important for two reasons. First, if the book is on their list someday they intend to actually buy the book. Also, their friends will see my book on their list and maybe that will be enough to pique their interest to either buy the book or add it to their “to read” list. Being a novice, I didn’t have any expectations for my GOODREADS campaign to its all good to me. I allocated $100 to spend on the campaign and it will run until the money runs out. At this rate my campaign will last another 14 months. Maybe after a year I’ll seek GOODREADS help in sprucing up my ad. Anyone out there a member of GOODREADS? Anyone out there seen my ad on GOODREADS? Anyone out there advertised or had a giveaway campaign on GOODREADS? |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
May 2021